We believe that energy projects in Nigeria require proper legal services tailored to their needs to help them avoid legal and regulatory mistakes. We understand that environmental concerns are vital in energy projects and adopt a holistic approach in addressing energy projects in Nigeria to ensure that legal, regulatory and policy concerns are adhered to. We provide energy finance advisory, address competition law concerns and adherence to energy law and policy.


At Veblen, we are equipped to help you explore the most appropriate internal and external corporate restructuring options.  From mergers, acquisitions and takeovers to cherry-picking, we have a team of world class practitioners to fulfill your every need. We undertake corporate due diligence, court-ordered meetings as well notices for meetings to attain a seamless restructuring process.


We are equipped to protect your ideas, innovations. Our team of qualified lawyers offer world-class services to help protect your intellectual assets. As an important contributor to intellectual property we offer our client an aerial view of the entertainment industry with a team that is well-equipped to assist.


At Veblen, we understand that startups deserve adequate legal services fashioned to their needs to help them avoid legal and regulatory pitfalls. We believe that our clientele deserve an all-hands-on-deck legal team to take care of their legal and regulatory requirements while they focus on running their business. We provide early-stage advisory, investment, and Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory services.


Arbitration is a core aspect of our practice. We understand the peculiar nature of our court system and the attractiveness of arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism especially in commercial and corporate dispute. We have a team or Chartered Arbitrators from globally recognized institutes to offer world class services to our array of distinct clientele. We have handled arbitral proceedings within and outside the country and have the requisite experience to give our clients satisfactory results.


Property transactions require negotiations and execution of contracts, we run a full-scale property law practice that comprises from negotiation to contracting.  Also, we understand that digital property is increasingly becoming a class of recognized assets within our legal jurisdiction, we are equally committed to helping our clients protect this class of assets.